


Liêu Thị Ngọc Hiếu

Independent Living project manager

Liêu Thị Ngọc Hiếu



o  Position at DRD: Independent Living project manager

o  Contact:

Disability Research and Capacity Development - DRD
(Formerly Disability Resource and Development - DRD)
311K8 7th Street, Khu Tai Dinh Cu Thu Thiem, Ward An Phu , District 2,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-28)-62679911 - 62679922 (Ext: 123)
Fax: (84-28)-62679933
Email: /

Education and Working:

o Studied: Accountant – Information Technology

o  2012 – 2016: English Bachelor at Social Science and Humanities University

o  2008 – 2009: Accountant, Office Management at DRD

o  2010 – nay: Peer Counseling

o  2013 - nay: Cashier

Training courses, conferences attended

o  03/2010: Independent Living conference for people with disabilities in HCM City

o  2010: two peer counseling training course in Japan

o  2011: two advance peer counseling training course in Hà Nội

o  06/2012: psychological counseling training course, trained by Trần Thị Giồng – doctor of psychology

o Positive thinking training

o Monitoring and Evaluation Project skill (M&E) (Teacher: Lê Đại Trí)   

o Writing project report skilll (Teacher Lê Đại Trí) 

On News:

Cõng nàng vượt dốc - (Báo tuổi trẻ - 2012)

Bước qua định mệnh - (SGTT - 01/03/2012)

Mười mùa xuân yêu thương - ( SDRC - 2012)


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