Huỳnh Kim Phụng
o Position at DRD: Media officer
o Vice Deputy of A New Day social work team
o Contact:
Disability Research and Capacity Development – DRD
(Formerly Disability Resource and Development - DRD)
311K8 7th Street, Khu Tai Dinh Cu Thu Thiem, Ward An Phu , District 2,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-28)-62679911 - 62679922 (Ext: 131)
Fax: (84-28)-62679933
Education and Working:
o 2008 – 2012: Social Work Bachelor, Open University Hồ Chí Minh City
o 2011 – now: vice Vice Deputy of A New Day social work team.
o 2013: Staff member at Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD)
Courses and conferences attended:
o Change the way you think (ISM)
o Write project skill (SDRC)
o Project management skill (SDRC)
o Monitoring impact (SDRC)