Approachable accessibility survey is an important activity of “the Accessibility for Inclusion” project carried out by Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) center in the two provinces of Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh under the support of The United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The first survey by DRD, which is carried out from 16-19/05/2015 at the city of Tay Ninh, was completed with with the participation of representatives of the disabled people with disabilities, including mobility impairment and the blind. The survey focused on the office of the People’s Committee and Neighborhood medical clinics of ward 1,2,3,4 from 16-19/05/2015.
The content done collected by the survey team will be based on The National Technical Regulation issued by the Minister of Construction on constructing buildings to ensure access for people with disabilities to use, specifically including these following items:
- Entrance Accessibility:
+ The stair has stair step or not? Having stair edges? If the entrance has steps, are there edges or handrails for the steps?
+ Themain entrance has steep road or notIs there a ramp to the main entrance? Is the ramp too steep?
+ There areAre there railings to go up and down or not?
- Shared toilet:
+ Is tThe door width is accessible by wheelchairs or not?
+ The Does the width of the toilet’s clearance meets the standards for wheelchairs or not?
+ The Can the height of sanitary equipment installation can facilitate people with disabilities or not?
These contents will be used for all subsequent surveys.
The majority of surveyed places haves not had subsections which are designed for people with disabilities. Together with the local community/government, the survey aimed to asses and search for appropriate solutions that causes little effect to the existing structure of the building. The project hopes that with these adjustments and certain conditions, people with disabilities will be more confident, then and prefer to go out more often, rather than feel shy as at presentand isolated, as is the current situation for many.
Survey team and representatives of the Ward exchanged information.
The survey team is measuring the steep road at the medical clinic of Ward 4, Tay Ninh city.
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