


Second accessibility survey in Tay Ninh

Tuesday, 14 June 2016 04:04

It is an important step for the second objective of the project “Accessibility for the independence of people with disabilities” to improve the accessibility of some places in Tay Ninh* and Binh Dinh*.

*The provinces of Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh are two of the places choosen for the implementation of the project “Accessibility for independence” leading by DRD under the sponsoring of USAID.

This survey happened from June 12 to June 17, 2016. Every day, the survey team will visit the People’s Committee and the local hospital of each wards according to a determined planning.


1. Tổ khảo sát họp vào chiều ngày 1206 để chuẩn bị cho đợt làm việc

The survey team met in the afternoon of June 12 to prepare the work.

In the morning of June 13, 2016, the survey team, composed by 3 representatives of people with disabilities (PWD) of Tay Ninh and a representative of DRD, realized this second survey in Tay Ninh.

The first morning, the team conducted a survey in the Ward of Ninh Son.


2. Tổ khảo sát chào hỏi và lấy thông tin tại UBND Phường Ninh Sơn

The survey team met with the People’s Committee of the Ward of Ninh Son to get informations.

The People’s Committee of the Ward of Ninh Son is the place were the citizen went regarding administrative procedures. It has been built a long time ago and is absolutely not accessible for people with disabilities. The local authorities are providing 220 PWD with subsidies but in reality only 20 PWD are coming monthly in person to the People’s Committee to receive help. The remaining PWD all have to ask a relative to receive this support in their behalf or are coming only each 3 months. Some PWD in wheelchair will be able to sign and receive their papers and their money in the street.


3. Thành viên tổ khảo sát đo đạc và ghi các số liệu thực tế

The survey team members collecting actual datas

The local hospital of the Ward of Ninh Son was built in 2012. Its main functions are to treat common diseases, first aid, and implementation of national health programs such as vaccinations, medication for people suffering from tuberculosis… The hospital built a ramp for PWD using crutches and wheelchairs. The toilets however are narrow and their access is difficult with a wheelchair and some areas are not accessible at all.


4. Bảng ghi chép của thành viên tổ khảo sát

Survey form of the team

In the following days, the survey team will work in the wards of Hiep Ninh, Ninh Thanh, Thanh Tan, Tan Binh, and Binh Minh.

At the end of all these surveys, the team will send a report on the results of the survey to all the participants with recommendations about how they can improve their accessibility for PWD.

Some picture of the survey :


5. Tổ khảo sát tổng hợp lại các thông tin có được và hoàn tất báo cáo sơ bộ gửi lại UBND Phường


The survey team is summarizing all the collected informations and writing a report for the People’s Committee of the Ward.

6. Tổ khảo sát đo đạc tại Trạm y tế Phường Ninh Sơn


The survey team is taking measurment at the local hospital of the ward of Ninh Son.

7. Trạm y tế có xây dựng dốc lên cho người khuyết tật và các bệnh nhân sử dụng


The local hospital built access ramps for PWD and the other patients.

8. Ông Phan Vân Hạc - Phó trưởng trạm y tế cho biết đa số NKT có bảo hiểm y tế nên thường lên bệnh viện để khám bệnh. Chỉ mtt số ít NKT nhận các hướng dẫn vật lý trị liệu từ tr

Mr. Phan Van Hac – Vice-director of the local hospital explains that the majority of PWD have a medical insurance and are often coming to the hospital for medical examination.

DRD newsletter


Tags: DRD activities, Person with a disability

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