


Final review of the AIP project and extension of the AAP project

Saturday, 30 December 2017 01:08

At 8:30am on December 8, 2017, the final review of the project “Accessibility for integration” for the period 2015-2017 was held at the meeting hall of Dong Phuong Hotel in Tay Ninh Province. This meeting was also the opportunity to announce the expansion of the project for the period 2017-2020.

The ceremony gathered more than 60 people, including the representative of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, the representative of related departments, Tay Ninh Television, and people with disabilities…

Ông Nguyễn Văn Quá

Mr. Nguyen Van Qua – Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs opening the meeting

Mr. Nguyen Van Qua – Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs of Tay Ninh Province was the first speaker and opened the meeting. He said that with the agreement of the People’s Committee of Tay Ninh Province given on August 10, 2017, DRD will continue to implement the project in new areas of Tay Ninh Province.

In the previous areas of the project, DRD has succeeded in meeting the three objectives set by the project: 1) Raising public awareness on disability issues. 2) Capacity building for organizations of people with disabilities about the rights of people with disabilities, concretely the right to access public facilities. 3) Evaluation and rehabilitation of public works in the province.

Toàn cảnh

Overview of the participants in the closing ceremony

Mr. Nguyen Van Qua added: “Particularly, the event “One World for All” has left a strong impression deeply etched in the hearts of the participants in general and more particularly in the hearts of the students of Tay Ninh Province” and “In order to continue to implement the project in new areas, DRD should strive to focus on the 3 objectives set our, to increase the communication of information for people with disabilities and to encourage people with disabilities to create clubs and groups.

Trương huy vũ

Mr. Truong Huy Vu – staff of DRD reporting the activities of the project for the period 2015-2017

Mr. Thuong Huy Vu – staff of DRD, reported the activities of the project from 2015 to 2017. He shared that after the training courses of the project, the participants from the communes in the project area had a better understanding about disabilities issues and had a lot of opportunities to share. “In the past, I just thought that exercising the right of people with disabilities was to help them fully enjoy the policies. But now I know that help them to access society is more important”, a participant said.

In addition, DRD will publish a booklet entitled “Experience of accessibility improvement” and another one titled “Success stories of the project” to give everyone a more positive point of view about the community of people with disabilities through short stories. The books are in the editing process and will be released soon.  

Le dai tri

Mr. Le Dai Tri - An independent assessor sharing the final evaluation results of the "Access for Integration" project for the period 2015-2017

In this final review, DRD also invited Mr. Le Dai Tri, an independent assessor and evaluation specialist for the project "Accessibility for Integration", to share the results. He said that the barriers for people with disabilities are partly due to external elements: facilities are not accessible to people with disabilities; this is also the main reason why people with disabilities are afraid to go out, and are facing difficulties to integrate into society.

Luu thị ánh loan

Mrs. Luu Thi Anh Loan – Acting director of DRD sharing about the project “Access for All” in the period 2017-2020

Continuing the program, Ms. Luu Thi Anh Loan - Acting Director of DRD introduced the new project "Access for All" for the period 2017-2020. With this project, DRD will continue to pursue the following results:

1) Improve the community awareness on disability issues

2) Establish and improve skills for clubs of people with disabilities at commune/district/city level

3) Capacity building for people with disabilities in Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh on access to public works

4) Raise the capacity of DRD staff and local partners in project management and community mobilization

At the end of the conference, Mr. Nguyen Van Qua moderated the discussion and closed the program.

Thanh Phuong

Tags: Public construction, DRD activities, Person with a disability, Accessibility

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