


Sharing program One World for All at the Tay Ninh Intermediate Vocational School of Economics and Technology

Tuesday, 31 October 2017 01:25

The program One World for All is designed to create opportunities of sharing between students at school and people with disabitities. From there, students will have a better understanding of the difficulties and the challenges faced by students with disabilities when studying at university, college, secondary school and more generally by people with disabilities at work and in their daily activities. This is part of the project “Access to Integration” implemented by DRD in Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh provinces thanks to the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Chị lưu thị ánh loan phát biểu

Mrs. Luu Thi Anh Loan – Acting director of DRD opening the program

Through several activities the participants could experience the difficulties of different forms of disabilities: moving through obstacles with a wheelchair, being blindfolding or using body language to describe objects. Through the stories and experiences shared by the guests in the program, One World for All will contribute to the motivation of living and learning of the students with disabilities and all the other students learning in the schools where the program will stop.

Đại biểu khách mời

From the right: Mr. Nguyen An Dan – Principal of the school; Mr. Nguyen Van Qua – Deputy Director of DOLISA in Tay Ninh Province; Mrs. Luu Thi Anh Loan – Acting Director of DRD and Mr. Nguyen Duong Quoc Viet – Vice principal.

At the same time, through the program, the Project also asked the school and the students to jointly build a friendly world without any barriers and enabling people with disabilities to improve and promote their capacities to contribure in the construction of the society.

vận động đầu chương trình

MC warming up the program

On October 27, 2017 DRD implemented the sharing program One World for All at the Tay Ninh Intermediate Vocational School of Economics and Technology for the fifth time. It drew the attention of more than 200 students, the Administration and the teachers of the school.

Sinh viên tham gia trò chơi

Thử trãi nghiệm làm người khiếm thị và vượt qua chướng ngại vật


Students experiencing difficulties when trying to be people with disabilities

tọa đàm với người khuyết tật

A person with disabilities sharing his difficulties

Mr. Nguyen Van Qua - Deputy Director of DOLISA in Tay Ninh Province said: “The objective of this event is to understand the difficulties of students with disabilities in their studies as well as living and sympathizing with you. From there, we thought and acted to share and take responsibility to make students with disabilities more involved in society.

I hope the the school will create favorable conditions for students with disabilities to have fun and succeed at school like any other students of this school. May all the students present today will act meaningfully.”

Some comments of the students after the workshop:

- I felt empathy for people with disabilities. I hope that there will be more constuctions in Tay Ninh to support them.

- The program was very emotional, very meaningful. I felt that my live is worth living.

- Throughout the program, I found that people with disabilities are very good.

- According to me, this program was very useful, very good; it taught that everyone can dream and you must strive for your dream.

- The program was very meaningful; it gave me a lot of emotions, a better understanding about people with disabilities and solutions to help them.

Sinh viên đặt câu hỏi về những khó khăn


Sinh viên đặt câu hỏi về những khó khăn2




Some pictures of the students sharing during the program


Kim Phung

Tags: DRD activities, Supports, Person with a disability, Awareness

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