


Accessibility for Inclusion


“One world for All” Event at Binh Dinh College

Thursday, 09 March 2017

“One world for All” Event at Binh Dinh College

In the afternoon on February 24th, Disability Research And Capacity Development (DRD) continued to implement the “One world for All” event at Binh Dinh College. The program is a part of the project “Accessibility for Inclusion for people with disabilities” which is funded by USAID. This is an important activity of the project, which aims to raise awareness of the community,...

Conference to honor people with disabilities, orphans, and sponsors of Tay Ninh Province

Tuesday, 06 December 2016

Conference to honor people with disabilities, orphans, and sponsors of Tay Ninh Province

To celebrate the International Day of People with Disabilities, in the morning of December 2, 2016, at the Provincial Hall of the People's Committee of Tay Ninh Province, a conference was held to honor people with disabilities, orphans, andsponsors of Tay Ninh Province for the third time in 2016. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Ngoc, Vice President of the People’s Committee of the Province, spoke at the conference...

More than 200 people  with disabilities received trainings in teamwork and leadership in Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh Provinces

Wednesday, 05 October 2016

More than 200 people with disabilities received trainings in teamwork and leadership in Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh Provinces

As part of the project “Accessibility for Inclusion of People with Disabilities”, sponsored by USAID, DRD and Tay Ninh Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs organized 2 training sessions about “Leadership and Teamwork skills for people with disabilities” from 22-23/09/2016 in Tay Ninh Province and from 27- 29/09/2016 in Binh Dinh Province . Overview of the Teamwork...

“Equality and inclusion for people with disabilities” for staff and lecturers from Ho Chi Minh University of Pedagogy”

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

“Equality and inclusion for people with disabilities” for staff and lecturers from Ho Chi Minh University of Pedagogy”

On 18th and 19th of July 2016, Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) and Ho Chi Minh University of Pedagogy (HCMUP) co-conducted a training course called “Equality and inclusion for people with disabilities” for staff and professors of HCMUP. This was one part of the series designed to raise public awareness to issues related to individuals with disabilities, particularly students...

Examining Physical Accessibility Approaches to the People’s Committees and Health Station in Quang Trung ward, Thi Nai ward, Nguyen Van Cu ward of Quy Nhon city.

Friday, 01 July 2016

Examining Physical Accessibility Approaches to the People’s Committees and Health Station in Quang Trung ward, Thi Nai ward, Nguyen Van Cu ward of Quy Nhon city.

Accessibility examination is one of the most important activities of the project “The Accessibility for Inclusion for People with Disabilities”, managed by DRD at Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh, sponsored by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The hallway of the health station To ensure the execution of policy number 137 of the Ministry of Labour, Invaliduals, and Social...

Second accessibility survey in Tay Ninh

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Second accessibility survey in Tay Ninh

It is an important step for the second objective of the project “Accessibility for the independence of people with disabilities” to improve the accessibility of some places in Tay Ninh* and Binh Dinh*. *The provinces of Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh are two of the places choosen for the implementation of the project “Accessibility for independence” leading by DRD under the sponsoring...

Equality and Inclusion of People with Disabilities Training Course for Vietnamese Women’s Union Staff

Thursday, 02 June 2016

Equality and Inclusion of People with Disabilities Training Course for Vietnamese Women’s Union Staff

In the project “Accessibility for Inclusion”, under the support of The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), DRD carries out training activities in Binh Dinh province from 2-6/06/2016. Ms .Lu Thi Anh Loan, MA – Acting director of DRD The training activity “Equality and Accessibility for Inclusion” for 28 officers who are Vice President of the Women’s...

Examining Physical Accessibility of Approach to People's Committees and Health Station of Ngo May ward, Le Loi ward, Ghenh Rang ward, and Nhon Ly ward of Quy Nhon city, Binh Đinh province.

Wednesday, 01 June 2016

Examining Physical Accessibility of Approach to People's Committees and Health Station of Ngo May ward, Le Loi ward, Ghenh Rang ward, and Nhon Ly ward of Quy Nhon city, Binh Đinh province.

Effectuating Decision number 137 of Department of Labour and War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Survey group including 7 members with and without disabilities (2 DRD members, a representative from Department of Construction and 3 representatives with disabilities from Nhan Ai branch, Quy Nhon branch and Quy Nhon city Blind Association) continues to examine accessibility of the entrances of planned...

1st Approachable Survey in Tay Ninh Province

Wednesday, 01 June 2016

1st Approachable Survey in Tay Ninh Province

Approachable accessibility survey is an important activity of “the Accessibility for Inclusion” project carried out by Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) center in the two provinces of Tay Ninh and Binh Dinh under the support of The United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The first survey by DRD, which is carried out from 16-19/05/2015 at the city of...

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