


Ghent University - Grants for students from developing countries

Thứ năm, 12 tháng 09 2013 09:16

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Ghent University provides Master Grants to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master’s degree at Ghent University. The grants are available for 19 master programmes at Ghent University. They are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme. The scholarship consists of an allowance of 1000 euro per month, an installation fee of 500€ and a refund of the yearly tuition fee with a maximum of 80€.

Next deadline will probably be December 2013 (new students) and May 2014 (students with admission).

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Từ khóa: Bài viết, Bản tin, Dự án AP, Giáo dục, Học bổng và tài trợ

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