


Young Education for Sustainable Development Leaders Participate in UNESCO ESD Youth Conference

Thứ hai, 05 tháng 05 2014 15:01

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Deadline: 1 June 2014

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Government of Japan are jointly organizing Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) Youth Conference. Young ESD leaders around the world committed to built a better future through education are invited to participate in the conference to be held in Okayama City, Japan on 7 November 2014.

The conference majorly aims to provide a platform for ESD youth leaders from around the world to engage in dialogue and peer learning to enhance their ESD practices. Fifty (50) young ESD leaders from around the world will be brought together to share their success stories and innovative ESD initiatives. Other participants will be 20-30 observers from ESD/youth-related organizations in Okayama and other parts of Japan.


  •  Opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with peers. Participants will get platform to discuss innovative approaches to ESD and ways to promote young people’s contribution and further involvement in the global ESD movement.
  •  Participants will also be involved in developing recommendations for the UNESCO World Conference on ESD. The UNESCO World Conference will be held in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan from 10-12 November 2014.
  •  The successful applicants will receive travel sponsorship – roundtrip air tickets, accommodation, meals and transportation within Japan.

Program Schedule:

  •  1 June 2014                             Application deadline
  •  15 August 2014                      Selection Notification
  •  August-September 2014         Travel and visa arrangements
  •  September-October 2014        Online consultations with participants
  •  6 November 2014                   Arrival in Okayama/Registration, Orientation, Opening Ceremony
  •  7 November 2014                   UNESCO ESD Youth Conference (Okayama International Center)
  •  8 November 2014                   Excursion hosted by Okayama City
  •  9 November 2014                   Transfer from Okayama to Nagoya
  •  10-12 November 2014            UNESCO World Conference on ESD (Nagoya Congress Center)
  •  13 November 2014                 Departure from Nagoya
  •  By the end of November        Feedback submitted by participants to the organizers

 Eligibility Criteria:

  •  Candidate must be 18-35 years of age with demonstrated active engagement in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.
  •  Candidates must have a good command of English, and be able to actively participate in conference discussions.
  •  Candidates must commit to attend the full schedule of events in Japan from 6-13 November 2014.

Interested Young ESD leaders must complete the application form and submit via email. Recommendation letter from a head or officer of an ESD/youth-related organization or institution stating the applicant’s engagement and relevant competency in ESD is must.

For more information, please visit UNESCO ESD Youth Conference.

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